We use as + adjective-adverb+ as to make comparisions
when the things we are comparing are equal in some way.
Usamos as+ adjetivo-
adverbio + as hacer comparaciones cuando las cosas que estamos comparando son
iguales de alguna manera.
The worlds
biggest bull is as big as a
small elephant.
The weather this summer is as bad as last year. It
hasn’t stopped rainig for weeks.
adjectives ( bigger, biggest, more interesting)

1.- we use not as… as to make comparisons
between things which aren’t equal:
Its not as heavy as I thought it would be, actually.
Rory hasn’t grown as tall as tommy yet.
She’s not singing as
loudly as she can.
They didn’t play as
well as they usually do.
2.- we can modify not as…… as by using not
quite as or not nearly as:
The second race was not quite as easy as the first one.
( the second race was easy but the first one was easier).
These new shoes are not nearly as comfortable as my old ones. (
my old shoes are a lot more comfortable than these new shoes.
3.- we can also use not so…… as. Not so….
As is less common than not as….. as:
The cycling was good but not so hard as the cross
country skiing we did.

Los comparativos y los
superlativos pueden parecer un poco mas complicado en ingles que en español,
pero no obstante siguen unas reglas claras que no son difíciles de dominar.

1.- mexico city is bigger than London. (ciudad de Mexico es mas grande que Londres. Comparativo ).
2.- London is more
expensive than mexico city. (londres es mas caro que ciudad de mexico. Comparativo)
3.- Madrid is the
biggest city in spain. ( madrid es la ciudad mas grande de España. Superlativo)
4.- parís is the
most beautiful city in the world. (paris es la ciudad mas bella del mundo. Superlativo)
· ¿Cuando usamos el comparativo y el superlativo?
Los comparativos y los
superlativos con grados del adjetivo. Como quizá leíste en la aproximación a la
gramática inglesa que te ofrecimos hace poco, un adjetivo es una palabra que
indica una característica de un
sustantivo, como ‘’ a tall building ‘’ (un edificio alto). Cuando queremos comparar este sustantivo con
otros sustantivos, como ‘’a tall building ‘’ (un edificio alto). Cuando queremos
comparar este sustantivo con otros suntantivos, necesitamos usar comparativos y
Regla: adjetivo + -er
+ than)
A cat is faster than a turtle ( un gato es mas rapido que una tortuga).
Rgela: the + adjetivo
+ -est
Usain bolt is the fastest runner in the world ( usain bolt es el corredor mas rapido del

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